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本文简要介绍了船舶上层建筑的分段制作、装配和整体预制,分析了上层建筑变形产生的原因,最后从设计到施工全过程详细介绍了预防上层建筑产生变形的技术和工艺措施。  相似文献   
An experimental sediment dumping was carried out in the southern part of the Mecklenburg Bight in June 2001. Foraminiferans and ostracods from superficial sandy sediment were studied in a time series from before dumping until March 2004 in order to assess changes in associations and recolonization patterns of both groups. Additionally, an area sampling covering the dumping site and its surroundings from 15.5 to 20.7 m water depth made it possible to compare associations inside and outside the dumping area as well as the water depth dependent distribution of foraminiferans and ostracods. Salinity values vary within the high alpha-mesohaline and low polyhaline range. The dominating species are Ammotium cassis (Foraminifera) and Sarsicytheridea bradii (Ostracoda). The diversity is low (Fisher alpha index from 0.4 to 3.2 for foraminiferans and 1.0 to 2.5 for ostracods), but higher within the dumping site samples. These higher values are explainable by input of allochthonous tests and valves representing additional species. After the sediment dumping it took two and a half years to re-establish the total foraminiferan association and the total foraminifer/ostracod ratio within the dumping site. Total foraminiferan abundance increases remarkably with water depth (mean 83 tests in 100 ml) driven by higher nutrient availability and more suitable salinity and temperature values within the zone of the oscillating halocline. The distribution of shallow water species such as Cribroelphidium excavatum, Eucythere argus and Hirschmannia viridis, within the transient water layer A. cassis, Nodulina dentaliniformis, S. bradii and Palmoconcha laevata and below Eggerella scabra indicate the depth position of the halocline. Water depth and sediment dumping influence are the main driving factors for the distribution of foraminifer and ostracod associations within the study area. However, a significant sedimentological difference between samples inside and outside the dumping area is not recognizable.  相似文献   
战略装车点选址模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了建立区域战略装车点的政策性原则和关联因素,并根据铁路运输生产实际模拟了在供需均衡条件下选站建点系统架构,构建战略装车点多点选址多类变量混合0-1非线性规划模型(MSLSLP)。模型以社会总成本最小化为出发点,协同考虑决策者和客户双方利益,将选站建点的改扩建费用、可变费用和代表客户利益的运输成本共同纳入目标体系。将建立战略装车点后的运输特点要求与相关选址模型的共性约束相结合构造约束条件,使其更具针对性。最后,以相当规模数值算例验证了模型的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
ATCA是PICMG组织定义的高级电信计算机架构,它采用了可变的冗余设计手段,体现高可靠性和高可用性特点。首先分析了ATCA的特征,并介绍其作为信号产品之一的CTCS.3级列控系统无线闭塞中心硬件平台的应用成果。  相似文献   
Weekly Fleet Assignment Model and Algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 0-1 integer programming model for weekly fleet assignment was put forward based on linear network and weekly flight scheduling in China. In this model, the objective function is to maximize the total profit of fleet assignment, subject to the constraints of coverage, aircraft flow balance, fleet size, aircraft availability, aircraft usage, flight restriction, aircraft seat capacity, and stopover. Then the branch-and-bound algorithm based on special ordered set was applied to solve the model. At last, a real-world case study on an airline with 5 fleets, 48 aircrafts and 1786 flight legs indicated that the profit increase was $1591276 one week and the running time was no more than 4 min, which shows that the model and algorithm are fairly good for domestic airline.  相似文献   
对有序组合树法的改进   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了提高有序组合树法的运算效率,必须充分利用约束条件中的有关信息.通过深入分析,提出了极差、必选变量、不可选变量等概念,将多个约束条件联系成为一个整体.提出了用检验约束条件的相容性,并以相容性为判据进行截枝的新办法.证明了如果必选变量全部取值为1是可行解,则必是最优解。给出了改进后的有序组合树法的计算步骤流程.  相似文献   
连续刚构0#块处于墩梁固结处,该梁段构造复杂,内有大量的预应力束通过。为揭示其在各种不利工况下的空间应力分布情况,需建立相应的空间有限元模型进行分析。文章以一座连续刚构桥为工程背景,运用ANSYS有限元软件对0#块进行局部应力分析,结果表明0#块局部位置应力分布较复杂,应进行钢筋补强。  相似文献   
CBTC系统中的联锁技术研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
随着CBTC(基于通信的列车控制)技术的完善,联锁在轨道交通控制系统中的作用也在逐渐发生变化,就CBTC系统中的联锁技术,从轨道区段状态、进路建立、信号开放、进路解锁、信号显示、保护进路、运行方向及其他辅助功能等几个方面进行了分析与研究。  相似文献   
城市轨道交通跨站停车方案优化模型及算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市轨道交通快速发展,人均乘行距离不断增长,使得研究城市轨道交通合理的列车停车方案成为必要,以满足越来越多乘客出行的需要.介绍轨道交通列车不同的停车模式,分析轨道交通跨站停车模式下影响乘客出行时间的相关因素.建立基于乘客总体出行时间节省最多的轨道交通列车跨站停车0-1整数规划模型,利用禁忌搜索算法进行模型求解.通过算例验证了该模型的可行性和禁忌搜索算法用于该问题求解的优越性,得出最优轨道交通列车跨站停车方案.对与目标函数值相关的列车发车间隔、停站时间和最高运行速度等参数进行灵敏度分析,结果表明:调节跨站运营条件下的发车间隔和停站时间可使目标函数,即乘客总体出行时间发生显著变化.  相似文献   
介绍利用目前现有的几种常见机车车轴实物对比试块,校验DF8B(滚抱)和DF7G型内燃机车分体轮、SS6B型电力机车整体轮、8K型机车轮对的车轴齿轮座镶入部横波探伤灵敏度的方法,以实现齿轮座镶入部和内侧卸荷槽的全面扫查。  相似文献   
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